How To Sell a Probate Property in Brevard County

After facing the loss of a loved one who didn’t have a will or investments protecting against the process altogether. To sell a probate property can mean long drawn out proceedings, especially with larger estates.  It can be costly to go through, so avoid making the mistake of skipping any of the legal requirements which … Continued

4 Ways a Foreclosure Will Impact You in Brevard County

There is no doubt foreclosure will impact you. Besides the obvious strain and emotional impact the situation can have on your family and personal relationships, foreclosure can also devastate your finances. From the clothes you wear to the car you drive, or even where you reside or work, it will have a residual effect on … Continued

5 Ways A Direct Sale Will Save You Money in Brevard County

So you find yourself ready to sell and while you don’t want to pay all of the commissions and fees that come along with a traditional real estate agent, you also dread all that is involved with listing the property as for sale by owner. At House Beagle, we’ll take the time to listen to … Continued

Is There A Holding Period Before Selling My Inherited Home? – 32901

If you are thinking about selling your inherited property, you might be wondering, “Is there a holding period before selling my inherited home?” This article will answer that question and you might be surprised at what you learn… If you’ve inherited a property, you might now be wondering what to do with that property. And … Continued

Upgrades to Avoid: What Will Turn OFF Buyers in Brevard County!

Are you considering selling your home in Brevard County? If so, you might be thinking about making a few repairs and upgrades before you list it. Some changes can be lucrative, paying off in the long run. However, not all upgrades are created equal. We will let you know which upgrades to avoid! Updating and … Continued

Why Isn’t My House Selling in Brevard County

Why do some homes sell right fast? Why do some sit on the market for months at a time? And why isn’t your house selling? In our latest post, we will help you to consider some reasons why your house isn’t selling, and what you can do about it! Selling a home takes work. It … Continued

How To Sell Your Home Fast In Brevard County, Florida

We all know real estate markets fluctuate, sometimes they are really hot and there are so many buyers that sellers will list their property and it gets snapped up the same day. Sometimes real estate markets are kind of soft, which means a house might stay listed for weeks or even months without getting any … Continued

Foreclosure Prevention Measures In Brevard County and the rest of Florida

Local Florida homeowners who are facing a financial challenge may find themselves in foreclosure. Foreclosure occurs when the mortgage loan does not get paid back and the bank or lending institution begins the process to take ownership of the property to recoup its losses. If you have found yourself entering the foreclosure process, you might … Continued

Help For Foreclosure In Brevard County – 3 Ways To Avoid Foreclosure

Few things are more devastating to families than the prospect of foreclosure. You own your home and you love it — it serves you well. Yet, due to unfortunate circumstances, foreclosure may seem imminent. For local FL families facing foreclosure, the stress can be almost unbearable. Worse yet, the foreclosure process can take months or even … Continued
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